Your light has not gone out

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never overcome it.
John 1:5

I’ve always been drawn to verses about light. They give me hope that no matter how small an ember, light is always there, ready to be fanned into flame. They inspire me to keep going, remembering that I am that light who can not be overcome, no matter how dark it seems.

But in the most elementary of reminders, I remembered this week that I am not the source of the light. And neither are you. (“Right, Kristin, this is Sunday school 101 stuff here.” I’m aware. I’m also in a space right now where all I can handle is entry level Christianity so this was profound. And it caught my ember sparking.

I am the light - you are the light - Jesus himself tells us in Matthew that we are the light of the world! So we can blame him for this common misunderstanding. Or, maybe, this is what happens when we don’t read scripture in context. (If you’re new here, welcome, that sentence is dripping in sarcasm.)

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16 NLT

That they may see you and glorify God.

Other translations have lines like:
You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. MSG
Let your light shine everywhere you go…so men and women everywhere may see…and praise your Father in heaven because of it. VOICE paraphrase

Yes, we are the light. But candles don’t light themselves. Lamps aren’t turned on on their own. (Even if you don’t have to get up, Alexa makes it happen.)

We get to hold the light, carry the light, take the light to other people. We get to shine in the darkness so that the light within us points people back to God - because He is where our light came from!

If you’re in a dark place, let this sink in. I was honestly questioning everything - even the very existence of God on my drive to church…where I work…as a pastor - when God was gracious enough to remind me of this truth.

If you have ever chosen to believe in God, decided to follow Jesus, felt the Holy Spirit inside of you - maybe you didn’t even know that’s what that still small voice was or you’d give it a different name - you have a burning ember in your soul. And no matter how dark you feel, that ember is still lit. The source of your light is still there. Your spark has dimmed, but it has not been snuffed out.

And Isaiah 42 promises He will not snuff out a dimly burning wick.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness will never overcome it. Not the darkness of doubt or disbelief. Not the darkness of depression, despair, or disappointment. Not the darkness of turning away or betrayal or choosing to distance yourself from God. He is the light and no matter what darkness is in the world, or in you, if deep down in a dark corner of your heart, you hold an ember that wants to stay lit then nothing can extinguish it. You can never be too far gone or too far removed or swallowed by complete darkness so long as His light is within you.

If you’re trying to shine this little light of yours but feel like you’ve been put under a bushel - or, more likely, that satan has blown it out - can I encourage you to do something? Find a friend whose light is burning brighter and just get near them. Spend time with them. Talk about how dark you feel, even if you don’t have the exact words, and confess out loud the silly things you probably don’t really believe but maybe find some comfort sitting in in the darkness.  You know, hypothetically, things like “I don’t even know if any of this is real.” Saying it out loud will help you process what you really believe. But also, just like the candles at many Christmas Eve services or a the embers of a dwindling fire, the proximity of another light will help yours grow, help your ember catch and start, slowly, to shine again.

If you’re loving verses on light because you’re feeling lit right now (yes, that was a predictable pop culture joke inserted right into the tenderest of moments), will you keep an eye out for people who feel like they’re wandering in the darkness? Send them this post, send them a song that reminds you who God is, send them a funny TikTok or reel or just a text to reminds them that you see who they are because you see how God is still in there, within them. You’ll encourage them but you will also remind them that God sees them and that He’s still showing up for them, answering prayers you didn’t even know they’d cried out in desperation.

You don’t have to create the light. You don’t have to seek out hope. Take a deep breath. Then take another one. And feel your ember begin to glow.

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