
Hi! I'm Kristin. I love Jesus, people and anything that sparkles. Make me laugh & we'll be instant friends. Text me the perfect GIF and I'll love you forever.

I left education to work for my church and quickly realized that I wasn’t just taking a break from teaching; I was accepting a calling into ministry. While running a church campus can sometimes mirror the craziness of teaching kindergarten, the similarities lie in my favorite things of laughing, loving on people and trying to inspire those around me.

I'm an expert in nothing but am learning along the way: what it means to be a wife, a friend, a sister & a woman in ministry leadership. I try to live authentically and not take life too seriously. God shows us his love in so many ways and I am here for finding it in all of life’s details.

You are welcome here!

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Peter & I got married in 2010 after a 2 year long distance relationship across an ocean. Don’t ask - I don’t know what we were thinking?!

We met at church when he became a volunteer on my production team so I guess he’s been a fan of women in leadership for a while! He’s a big supporter of my job and my dreams & I couldn’t do this without him there to balance out my madness.

the girls

Marlee is the pure desire of my heart come to life. She’s the daughter I always knew I would have and she is my mini. She’s silly & sweet & sees people that others don't.

Margot is the joy and laughter that our family thrives on. She’s the perfect sister for Marlee and she is her own person. She’s silly & sweet in a different way and she knows she’s hilarious which somehow makes her even better.