Turning The Gem

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all that sparkles

Remember Guitar Hero? My parents got it for their Nintendo Wii and we all played and rocked out when we were home for the holidays. Admittedly, I loved it the most, became very competitive and spent hours until I could beat it on multiple levels of difficulty. My band name, in true Kristin form was All That Sparkles. It was a consideration for the name of this site, too, until I realized it would only draw very girly girls like me and I wanted this space to be more welcoming.

I can’t believe it but it’s been a year. A year since Turning the Gem was born. It was a year of ups and downs, a year of transitions and a year of growth. A lot of it I shared with you and a lot of it is still sitting in draft posts, never fully explained and put out there. I know that I mostly write for myself, to process and think, reflect and learn. God gives me glimpses but it’s not until I put it to paper (well, screen) that I truly see the perspective shift take place. On any given post there are roughly 5 of you who read it but that’s okay. I’m so grateful for those of you who do. It’s the one person who sends me a message, who explains how God spoke to them, who finds Jesus in their situation, that makes it worth posting.

Turning the Gem will always be about light and perspective. About reflecting outwardly what Jesus has given me internally. I hope it’s a place where you find encouragement, hope & joy and that you leave this space believing there is something in you, too, that sparkles.

P.S. Come on over to my Instagram stories. I’ve got some questions for you today!