Turning The Gem

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You Are the Girl for the Job

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you! So, what do you do?”

This is the question we typically ask when meeting someone for the first time. We get their name, hopefully don’t immediately forget it, then ask what they do. To make conversation. To look for commonality. To make small talk. In many seasons of my life, I’ve been unsure how to answer this question. “What do I do?” I do laundry, the dishes, make lunches and clean the bathrooms. I manage the calendars, schedule doctor appointments, fill out paperwork for school and try to remember all of the daily living things that don’t fit into a particular job or responsibility. I love people, listen to secrets over coffee, celebrate life wins and intercede for my community in prayer. I sit in meetings, analyze strategies, mediate conflict and think through processes until my brain hurts. What do I do? It depends on the day. It depends on the hour!

But I am the girl for the job. YOU are the girl for the job. Whether it’s as a mama, a wife, a teacher, a friend, a daughter, a pastor, a sister or an employee of any kind. And Jess Connolly is here to remind us of that truth.

“If I worked only based on what I can do well in my own strength, I’d never have children, get married, do ministry, drive a car, write books, love my neighbors, go on vacation, live on mission, serve the homeless, lead a church, start businesses, have friends or encourage anyone. I would never live. I would never love. I would never taste abundance.”

Thank our actual Father God that we don’t have to do any of these jobs in our own capacity or strength. Not the big things or the scary dream goal things that frighten and challenge and excite us as the same time. Not the things that seem like they should be easy but are honestly the hardest, like loving the people close to us and being a decent human being every dang day. Not the mundane things that we never rely on God for, but maybe should start. The tiny every day things like turning off the light switches that are apparently invisible to everyone else in the house. Jess is reminding us that God has called us, equipped us and that He is who He says He is. And it’s time for us to start living like it.

We are the girls for the job because of the God of all capacity who not only calls us but equips us, and dwells within us, enabling us to carry out His plans. We are able to live, to love, to move, to repair, to receive, to heal, to hope because of Him. We are the girls for the job, for this season, for this life, for the joy and blessing of those around us at this exact appointed time because God has placed us here. He’s called us to be His ambassadors and He doesn’t make mistakes.”

So who’s with me? Who’s ready to slip on your shoes and run this race that God has called us to? I’m looking for running buddies and here’s why. Here’s my absolute favorite, glorious thing about running together: we each have our own lane. It doesn’t matter if you’re faster than me or you reach your finish line first. Your speed, your pace, your gait and your race have NO EFFECT on mine whatsoever. None. I can run full speed ahead and be just as excited for you to run full speed ahead, too. I can cheer you on even as you run ahead and lap me because we are all running in different lanes. The lanes God has called us to uniquely. I can be excited for your victory even as I am still running toward mine because your success, your accomplishment and your race do not take away from mine whatsoever. Whether you’re sprinting in sneakers, doing combat in boots or climbing your way through in red-bottomed pumps, I am cheering for you from my lane as we all run together.

Let’s change the game from competition to cooperation. From envy to encouragement. From a fear of scarcity to a family of support.

I’m giving away a copy of Jess’ book “You Are the Girl for the Job” because I believe in this message and that we all need to live into it together. The rules are easy & the giveaway will close on October 10th so I can get this into your hands! I’m also throwing in a Starbucks gift card so you can make time for a friend who needs to be reminded that she is the girl for the job, too. Get her those sous vide egg bites while you’re there. And no looking up the calorie count. This is for stamina.

Follow me on Instagram: @kristinmockleryoung
Like the above photo.
Tag a friend who is the girl for the job.
That’s it!

Read to run, ladies? Our lives are waiting and we don’t have time to stay stuck. Let’s make a move.